Monday, May 9, 2011

Mothers' Day spent at PF Chang's Chinese Restaurant

 Great time! Great food!  It was a wonderful Mothers' Day! 

Resurrection Day!!

It was a great day to celebrate our Lord's resurrection!  We spent it out in the country at our aunt's house!
Me along with my sisters Carla and Nanette

Ty and Bri easter egg hunting!  Awww....that's so nice of Ty to carry Bri's basket! :)

Kids easter egg hunting!

Market Square Fiest Week!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

SHINE Spring Ball 2011!

Briannah attended SHINE's 2011 Spring Ball, one of the home school groups we're a part of.  It was a great night!  The place looked great, food was good, and the teens had a blast!!  Many met at IHOP afterwards.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Zoo trip with the Mudds!

It was Tyler's 14th birthday!  Happy birthday, Tyler!!

Visit from cousin Bob and family!

Cousin Havannah was performing in SA during halftime at the Spurs game with her high school dance team.  This gave Bob and the family an opportunity to visit us here in SA.  Havannah stayed down town with her dance team while Bob, Steph, and the girls stayed with us.  We had family over to visit Saturday evening.  We ate and danced the night away.  It was great to spend more time with our cousin Bob, Steph, and the girls!  Please continue to pray for Bob as he continues to battle stage 4 cancer.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Rey's drama performance!

Rey plays the part of Customer #3 at The Fruit Stand.  He comes in as a business man.  This is the second drama Rey performs in for his drama class at our SHINE Home School Group. :) Rey was selected for the "Best Performer" Award in his class!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


I know, I know, you guys are probably thinkin' I made them take this picture, but they were actually up for it!  True Texans!! ;)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Rodeo/Carnival Time!

I took the kids and some of their friends out to the Rodeo grounds!  It was a great (tiring) time!! :D! LOL!

Upward Basketball Season!

Miriam! Go Silver Stars!

Rey! Go Knicks!

Valentine's Day! 2011

 We had plans as a family to go out for Valentine's Day but plans came to us instead!  The kids and I got to babysit a set of 3 yr. old and sister for the day and evening.  A lesson in child care! :)  Art and Briannah brought bbq and a pie home.  It was nice to share our love with two others we had the opportunity to spend time with!

Friday, February 4, 2011

SNOW DAY in SA!!!!!

IT WAS GOOD ENOUGH FOR US!!!  Daddy got to stay home and Mimi and Rey played outside for most of the day!!


Rey on back was around 7am!

Daddy...our snow angel! ha!

Rey and Mimi with some neighbor friends!