Monday, February 21, 2011

Rodeo/Carnival Time!

I took the kids and some of their friends out to the Rodeo grounds!  It was a great (tiring) time!! :D! LOL!

Upward Basketball Season!

Miriam! Go Silver Stars!

Rey! Go Knicks!

Valentine's Day! 2011

 We had plans as a family to go out for Valentine's Day but plans came to us instead!  The kids and I got to babysit a set of 3 yr. old and sister for the day and evening.  A lesson in child care! :)  Art and Briannah brought bbq and a pie home.  It was nice to share our love with two others we had the opportunity to spend time with!

Friday, February 4, 2011

SNOW DAY in SA!!!!!

IT WAS GOOD ENOUGH FOR US!!!  Daddy got to stay home and Mimi and Rey played outside for most of the day!!


Rey on back was around 7am!

Daddy...our snow angel! ha!

Rey and Mimi with some neighbor friends!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Happy 14th, Briannah!!

It was a fun night with friends, family, dinner, and Rock Band!!

Here with the 2011 Eminem Calendar Daddy and Mamma made (reluctantly, ha!) for Briannah!

Daddy made his delicious spaghetti for the evening!

Here with a favorite birthday gift!

Here and below with some favorite friends!!

Here and below with some favorite family!!