Monday, November 29, 2010

Falling Christmas Tree!

Our small Christmas Tree downstairs fell over when I was adjusting its location!  I caught it, but I had to hold it while I removed the stand!  I was the only one around.  The stand snapped and that's what caused the tree to fall!  Now it leans up in a corner. :( Art will be working on it tonight.  I'm bummed. :(  Cyndi

Update!:  The tree is standing again!  Believe it or not, Art used a LARGE ARTIFICIAL PLANT STYROFOAM AND INSULATING FOAM SEALANT around the tree rod (it's a small rod by the way)!!! LOL!  It worked! How clever! :D  I will try to post a picture of it standing later.


  1. Awwww... I'm sad for you! Hope the hubby can get that fixed for you. It's beautiful if that helps any! :0) Neat sight by the way. I'd love to know how you did it. This would be great for our extended family.

  2. yeah that tree was old XD not even super glue could hold it together

  3. AWWW!!! Yay!! A fellow blogger!! I love reading my friends blogs. Not a big fan of following strangers online but I Love when friends blog. So much more fun than facebook, etc! LOL!! :)
